Wednesday, May 12, 2010

better (warning: poop story ahead)

Cooper was better last night. only woke up once - well, once that i'm counting.
he went to bed at 10pm, woke up to eat at 1am. at 4:30 he was screaming! i went in to see him covered, head to toe, in mustardy poop. he had pooped, it had escaped, he had rolled around. 'nuf said. so at 4:30am i was washing a baby. but he settled back down and slept for the rest of the early morning.
Cash also slept until about 7am which is better than his recent 6am. and i realized that maybe there is a little acting in this boy's future. Cash was sitting on my bed watching me get ready for work (which i like because he usually says that i look pretty!) When i closed my door to check out the full length mirror he said, "you looking in the mirror mommy." I said yes and then he said, "you see you crying in the mirror mommy?" and then the lightbulb went off. He has a mirror on the back of his door as well and something tells me that when he is crying before he falls asleep he is watching himself in the mirror - thus causing a lot of "fake crying" just to see himself cry.

1 comment:

Emily Dondero said...

i bet elizabeths interpretation of that story is a bit different.