Monday, May 3, 2010

Eat, Sleep, Poop, Coop

Cooper has decided that he doesn't sleep through the night anymore and instead is making up for all the lost waking hours and gets up every 2-3 hours at night to eat. i've got to figure out a solution to this little problem or i'm going to be a very tired mamma. (last night he went down at 8, up at 10:30, 12:40, 2:30-3:30, 6:00). he's going through some developmental stages and i think i remember Cash doing this too. Cooper is teething like crazy, he shoves everything in his mouth and bites down HARD. If you carry him over your shoulder, watch out, he sucks and bites the skin between your shoulder and neck. He's really happy though.
Also, i've started giving him food - sweet potatoes - and he is doing well. He actually eats a good portion. At first i think he just liked bitting the spoon but then he realized there is something on the spoon and now he dives toward the spoon when its coming to his mouth. I put him in the high chair and the bumbo and he does better in the bumbo.
and Cooper laughs all the time. i don't remember Cash laughing really at all. but Cooper just finds things so funny. you can just say his name and he will giggle uncontrollably. Cash loves to make him laugh.


elizabeth said...

maybe let him pee outside

sarah d v said...

I am ready to discuss sleep problems if you want! But teething/growing are definitely reasons for getting up so often.

I'm sure he'll be a good eater though.