Saturday, May 17, 2008

I'm not bragging but...

Cash is becoming a really good sleeper. It must be from daycare and Ms. Sylvia's schedule because I certainly am not good at any of that - scheduling or sleeping. We can put Cash down in his crib, in his own room, sleepy but awake and he finds his own way into dreamland. He takes 3 good naps each day all by himself (9ish, noonish, and 4ish).
Chandler and I were worried that we would have to swaddle him forever just to get him to sleep but one day he just decided that he didn't need to flail his arms around and instead they were much more comfortable resting in the "super baby" position. We knew the swaddler was on its way out when we would wake up in the mornings and it would be wrapped tightly around Cash's torso but his arms would be out and both his hands in his mouth.
Right now he is taking a nap - in his pack and play. I have learned that the more he sleeps, the better he sleeps.


elizabeth said...

oh so jealous

Grammy said...

that's a real blessing.

elizabeth said...

I"ve tried convincing York about the better/more Wiley sleeps the better/more Wiley sleeps, but he never believed it.

Emily Dondero said...

i would like to hear chandlers view on parenting sometime.