Friday, June 6, 2008


Last night i put Cash to sleep on his back and he was "talking" a little before he fell alseep. After the noise faded i went in to check on him before i went to bed and he was snuggled up close to the bumper on his crib - far from where i left him - on his stomach with his face burried in his arms. I flipped him over and went to bed. I woke up at about 3am (because that is what time Cash usually wakes up so i guess i'm used to it) and went in and checked him. Once again he was sound asleep on his belly at the opposite end of the crib. My doc says that he becomes the ruler of his own sleep once he starts rolling over but it is scary and strange to see your baby in a different place than where you left him.
Cash is also getting into eating rice cereal. We give him one meal of it a day (combo platter with rice cereal and breastmilk - the #3 dinner special) and he seems to like it. Not sure if he likes the actual food or the spoon going in and out of his mouth or the bowl he can grab or the dog that is attracted to all the leftovers but he likes it. We are still working on the consistency of the cereal - thicker stays in his mouth and is easier to clean up when it gets spit out in a large blob but it doesn't go down very easily. When the cereal is runnier more of it goes down his throat (by default) but it also runs right out of his mouth easier. Chandler changed a poopy diaper the other day and there was evidence of solid food - so we know at least somethings going down! and yes, Chandler changes poopy diapers.


sarah d v said...

What if you take the bumper off the crib? But of course, don't take my advice. Keep working on the cereal. it sounds and looks gross. enjoy!

Grammy said...

solids will help with diaper blow outs but will likely create a whole set of new problems!

Grammy said...
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