Sunday, October 3, 2010

i wish i had more to say about Cooper but its hard to find anything to say about this perfect little boy. he eats everything. only time he ever complains is when he sees food and doesn't get any. he'll throw an outright fit if you make yourself lunch and don't plan on sharing. he only has the 4 little teeth but eats everything we do. tonight he had a full pasta dinner with asparagus and pears. he sleeps like an angel and loves his naps (2, 2 hours a day). he lights up every time he sees his brother or daddy. he laughs at everything Cash does.
Cash on the other hand is so sensitive these days. i don't think he is getting enough sleep and that really effects him. he is also testing boundaries a lot. he is saying "no" a lot and screams, "nothing!" when you ask him what happened or what he did. some days are better some days are worse. hopefully we hit our stride again because i hate giving him everything he wants (cookies for breakfast) just because i don't want to deal with him crying/whining/screaming.

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