Friday, January 7, 2011

Cooper at 1 year

sorry i've been slacking on the blog...
Cooper turned 1 during my digital hiatus. The weekend he turned one we took the boys to Ely, NV to ride the Polar Express train. It was fun and Cash enjoyed it. The boys really liked the change of scenery and couldn't get enough of the hotel room. Cooper just walked back and forth in the hotel room and pulled out every plug he could get his hands on, knocked things off the counters, climbed into drawers and up on ledges. We spend one night and hit the road early in the morning to get home to Cooper's presents.
Cooper turned one without a lot of fanfair. Sylvia had a party at her house for him to which i sent cupcakes and party favors. He got a few new toys (that his brother has stolen and since given back). His one year check up went very well and he was given a "good boy" and "average" status - although he's anything but average in our book. He got all the answers right and is developing perfectly. He weighs 22lbs.
At one year Cooper:
  • eats a lot, anything and everything really
  • loves to feed the dog and thinks its pretty funny to be sly about it
  • likes to feed other people and will force nubs of chewed up cookies or crackers into my mouth - yummm
  • dances to music - whether it be a tv commercial or if mommy is singing a song Cooper will bop up and down to the beat.
  • clicks his tongue
  • finally got more teeth. he sat with 2 top and 2 bottom for the longest time and now he has 4 on top and 4 on bottom
  • sleeps very well 7-7 most nights and will take an nap very easily. lately i've noticed that he's starting to drop his 2nd nap and combining the 2 into one mid-day snooze.
  • is always happy. he doesn't fuss and is so tough.
  • walking all over but wants to run so badly. he'll start going very fast but can't keep up with himself and topple right over.
  • loves to put things into other things. one of his favorite toys is a new peek-a-boo puzzle with little magnetic items underneath that he can put in and out
  • smiles so much
  • loves peek a boo and hide and seek. in a couple more months will be really good at hide and seek and already can find Cash hiding under blankest and behind doors.
  • mostly, Cooper loves his brother - he'll follow Cash everywhere and wants to play with him all the time.
  • Cooper is starting to be able to communicate a lot more. will shake his head "no" or "yes" and says Dada all the time. he even said hi dada the other day. he likes to say "uh oh" too.

We just love our not-so-little Cooper. he's a perfect boy!

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