Tuesday, August 30, 2011

1st day of preschool

i'll cut to the chase: the boys did great!

We got to school about 4:30pm to pick them up and went to Cooper's classroom first. Of course Cooper did perfectly. His teacher Ms. Holly leaves at 4pm so the other teacher Ms. Kathy takes the kids who are still there past 4pm and puts them all into her pod. We walked in and Cooper is playing with a helper and one of the other kids. It takes him a minute to realize we are his mommy and daddy and then he gets really excited, gives hugs and immediately tells us to sit down and play with him. Ms. Kathy said that he did so well - she seemed genuinely impressed. She said that she didn't think he cried one time all day, which is saying something because when we dropped him off i think every single kid was crying. His report said that he napped for 1.5 hours so we knew he'd be tired. I messed up in the morning and put his lunch in his cubby instead of the fridge so the teacher threw away his yogurt (i would have still given it to him) and he couldn't have his granola bar because it "could have been processed in a factory with peanuts" - grrr. but overall he did wonderfully! Then we went to get Cash.

Cash also did really well but didn't eat his sunbutter sandwich at lunch - yuck, i wouldn't either. He was wearing his spare shorts so i immediately thought he had an accident because the potties are so small and he couldn't maneuver it. But he just spilled his apple sauce on his lap during lunch. no biggie. Cash's teacher, Ms. Shin, said he did great and she was really impressed with him. However, he was wayyyyy too tired to talk about it. Ms. Shin took pictures with her digital and printed them out to put on the wall for all the parents to see what they did all day - this was really cool and from the looks of it Cash was a busy bee.

On the way home we had a pretty significant meltdown. Both boys were hot and tired and got into daddy's hot car without snacks and it was over. plus there was tremendous commute with lots of traffic, lane closures and accidents. by the time we got home Cash was asleep. Cash had a really hard time getting to sleep last night and asked to sleep in my bed 100 times and then made me lay with him while he talked about all the bad things in the world, ghosts, witches, etc. Finally, I made a deal with him to wait outside his door until he fell asleep. At 4am he woke up asking, "mommy, are you still there?" and when i didn't respond he got very upset and came in our room. I understand he is experiencing a lot of change so we are trying to be patient with him and talk about all the things he is worried about.

We all got up and did it again today.


Grammy said...

sounds like the guys are off and running ... and when the lunches and snacks get worked out, it will be even better. well done to all of you.

elizabeth said...

what is sunbutter?
i guess I can google it.

elizabeth said...

glad it went well