Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Well, i guess we know what kind of teenager Cooper is going to be

This morning Cooper must have been very tired because he was still sleeping at 7am. We usually leave the house between 7:15 and 7:30 so I needed to get him moving so he could get dressed and have breakfast. I went up to his room and he was sleeping so soundly I was able to get his clothes out of his drawers without him stirring at all. When I left the room I left the door open. A few minutes later we were downstairs gathering up our things for school and work and heard Cooper's door slam. We thought he had gotten up and closed it behind him like he normally does in the mornings when he comes into our room. But the door was closed and there was no sign of Cooper. Chandler went upstairs to see where he was and as he poked his head in the door Cooper said, from back in his bed, "no, i'm sleeping!"
He had gotten up, closed the door and gotten back into the bed for some more sleep. We were late today.


Grammy said...

poor baby ... he just wants to be left alone

elizabeth said...

oh my, that is so funny! So very Sarah and Emily.

sarah d v said...

that is awesome. my kinda kid.