Saturday, March 28, 2009

couple-a rough days

Cash is really battling with his molars right now. The past two nights have been horrible - 4am and 3am wake-up calls. He just screams and cries so intensly it breaks my heart. This is the hardest i've ever seen him cry (even more so than the 5th day of his life before my milk had come in and he was really, really hungry). I try to keep him on a motrin/tylenol rotation but he's so tough during the day that sometimes i wait to long and he gets really upset. He isn't interested in chewing on ice or apple slices or anything like that - just screaming.
Last night was particularly bad but i am lucky today is Saturday and i can just lay around and make up for the hours i lost last night while Cash is napping.
I know this will pass and we'll do whatever to make him feel ok, i just wish it would pass sooner than later for Cash's sake.
Now, onto more important issues - Sister Sarah...
I think i am mad at Rick but can't be too mad because i really think he doesn't realize that this is going to be really, really hard for him (harder for him than anyone else probably). if you ask Chandler he'd tell you that you go from 0-60 on the overwhelming love scale the moment you see your son (its hard for us to leave for work in the morning - and we get to come home at night). I see a lot of similarities between Rick and Chandler as first time parents. Particularly because they both have very little experience with babies (and before they joined our family i'd be willing to bet neither of them logged more than a single hour with anyone under the age of 10 - let alone held a newborn).
Personally and selfishly I wish Sarah would come live with us - it would be so much fun to have her and Bobby here and we'd take really good care of them. But i know she has to do what's best for her and her family.

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