Thursday, March 12, 2009

independent man

Cash is so independent now that he can walk. When we take him to daycare we get him out of the car and let him walk up the driveway by himself. At first we did this because it was cute but now he wants to walk. It became sad when he walked up the driveway, straight through the door and into the playroom - without even looking back! I guess it is good that there is no separation anxiety on his part but the least he could do was look over his shoulder!
Cash talks a lot in his own language but has never said mamma intentionally. He says Daddy and doggie (and you have to really pay attnetion to differentiate between the two) plus some others but never mamma or mommy. I try to figure out why and today's reason is that i'm always around him so there is no need for him to call for me. He calls out "daddy" when i get him up in the morning and Chandler is downstairs and when Chandler goes out the door. That makes sense right?!

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