Friday, August 7, 2009

20 weeks

20 weeks into my pregnancy and I must admit I haven't thought an awful lot about it. It is so different than the first time around. I don't know if I don't have time to think about it or I just don't feel like i need to think about it because it's all old stuff but sometimes it shocks me how little i think about it. I thought this weekend I would go out an try to buy one or two little outfits for the new baby but then i realize that i have no intention of doing that because i have boxes full of clothes and supplies and that would be wasteful.
I feel very different - so tired all the time. I remember getting some energy back with Cash but I am wiped out by about 9pm now and it is a real struggle to get out of the bed in the morning. I am beyond lazy but just can't help it. I don't taste metal like i did with Cash but everything smells like wet plants - just like a nursery. I have leg cramps but no heartburn yet. I haven't thrown up this week which is promising.
I guess we should start thinking a little more seriously about a name but I am really in no hury. There is a growing list of things that need to happen for Cash before the new baby comes - namely move him into a big boy bed which is going to be really hard. He loves his bed and is never in any hurry to get out of it in the mornings. That's one of my favorite things about him. In the morning you can go into his room and he's just laying on his back looking up at the ceiling waiting for you - not complaining, sometimes talking to himself or his blanket but he is just happy to be laying in his comfy bed. October is my goal for a lot of the transition pieces.
I'm also in a bit of a pickle at work. I am having a baby in December but have a market in February and also in February we are launching a new show which i am the project manager for. I know i can work from home for my leave but i may have to split it into two parts and just keep the baby in a drawer at my office!

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