Monday, August 17, 2009

Sucks for you

For all of you that don't come to visit Cash it sucks for you. He is such an awesome boy. He is so much fun and so funny to be around. His intelligence blows me away daily.
He is starting to put words together - "what's that", "bye motorcycle" and "kick the ball" and his vocab is exploding each day. He can tell you just about everything that he needs and finds it very easy to get what he wants when he can tell me about it. He is also learning his maners with "please" and "thank you". He mostly remembers to say it - except one time when he wanted to get down from his booster seat and he said "down" and we said "what do you say?" and he said "down" and we said, "down what?" and he said "down what" - we had to laugh and count that one.
He loves to be outside and will take your hand and lead you out there to play. The weather has actually been really nice in the mornings and later in the day so he's been running around the yard, going up and down his slide, playing in the pool, chasing "Chachi" and throwing and kicking balls. He loves, loves, loves his bike and can almost use the pedals. Mostly he goes backwards but this weekend he pushed the pedals so he went forward two whole rotations! He will just go outside and sit on his bike or push his bike around to different places.
He takes direction very well and he loves to help clean up. If there is something out of place he will run over to it, crouch down and say, "uh oh". I'll say, pick it up and throw it in the garbage and he can do just that. He also likes to pretend to nap. If i am folding laundry he will take a towel, lay it out on the ground and lay down. Then he will jump up, fold the towel and hand it to me. Just like he does at daycare with his naptime mat.
Cash is starting to like Elmo ("melmo"). We have books and plates and toys with Elmo and when he sees the little red monster he gets very excited. Cash really understands playing too. He can play peek-a-boo, tag, ring-around-the-rosey and more. I realize that most of his toys (except his ride-on toys) are little baby toys so Christmas will probably be lots of new plastic things that will keep him guessing. He is still a really good sleeper but he has been waking up earlier lately so he has an extended bedtime until 7:30pm which seems to do the trick. Cash doesn't like the bathtub so much these days - hopefully that is a phase - and HATES to get his teeth brushed. No matter what type of cool, fun toothbrush we get and no matter what yummy flavor toothpaste we use he just kicks and screams and runs away when we try to brush his teeth.
I know he really likes to go to school but some days i wish i could just stay home and play with him - or maybe just not spend so much time at work. If i could get him at 3pm i think that would be just great. He does like to be with the other kids and i know he is learning a lot with them so I can be ok with it for now.
So, there's your Cash update. I guess i'll have to come back to NC if any of you want to see him again, maybe in October.


sarah d v said...

I know we all miss all of you lots and think you should move a lot closer.

elizabeth said...

it does suck. i wish i were rich enough to get out there, but seriously, i'm scraping it together these days. i love cash!! can you talk to your boss about going home at 3pm? I mean can't you leave checking emails and some computer work to do at home after cash goes to sleep.