Friday, May 21, 2010

take 2: potty training

tonight, on a whim, Cash saw some pee pee coming and ran to sit on the toilet. nothing was happening and he got up to wash his hands but turned around and said, "there's another toot in there." he sat back down and pee'd and then - without warning a big old, stinky poop fell out! we all got really excited and did the dance and then ate candy. he was really excited and proud, he's got some work to do in the wiping department but i can officially say that he pee'd and pooped on the toilet. such a proud momma am I.


Grammy said...

the first time is the hardest but after that he might enjoy the whole experience. nighttime will be the challenge

Katherine said...

Charlotte just did the same thing! You would have thought I had won the lottery I was so excited! LOL