Saturday, June 5, 2010

Chandler went on his annual Disneyland trip with the 5th graders so we were on our own today so we went swimming at Marilyn's house for most of the day. Once Cash warmed up to Rylie they had  a great time. Rylie is a little scared of the pool but Cash got her to swim and jump off the side and splash around with him. He seems pretty fearless of the water, he even floated around in a raft for a long time by himself. 
On the way to Rylie's house we saw a fire truck parked in the grocery store parking lot so we pulled over to look at it. Cash described all the parts, the hoses, the engine, the bell and the ladder. Cash told me that "the ladder goes way, way up to save the kitties." that made me chuckle.
it was a bit challenging to juggle both kids, especially when i needed to be in the pool with Cash most of the time but luckily between Lindsey, Marilyn and I we got everyone taken care of. 
it took about 5 seconds for both boys to fall asleep on the way home. 
a couple funny Cash-isms: 
he calls sunscreen "sun scream"
he calls a guinea pig a "skinny pig" 

1 comment:

Grammy said...

just wait til they want to swim thru your legs and jump off your shoulders and catch them as they jump in .... then you'll know how hard it is to juggle!