Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Cooper is 6 months old

cooper eating, originally uploaded by carolyn_martin.

Dear Cooper,
today you made mommy and daddy even more proud than we usually are of you. we visited the doctor today for your 6 month check up and Dr. Gobel was so happy with your progress she could only smile and play with you.

you are:
18lb, 4oz
27 1/4" long
43.5" head circumference

we did something different and only gave you half of your 6 months shots this time. we'll make up the rest at another appointment. usually i give you all your shots at one time but something just felt like i needed to space these out and i listened to my mommy voice.

You smiled and coo'd at the doctor the entire time. you kicked your feet and played with her stethoscope. she checked out your teeth and said, "whoa" when she looked in your mouth and saw an entire mouth full of teeth just ready to pop through the gums. You got an A+ and a gold star today. you are healthy, happy and developing perfectly.
at six months you can do a lot of things. you can roll all over the place, you can scoot your body around to get what you want. you have started to sit up with the help of your mommy, you make all sorts of noises and love to growl and squeal.
you eat very well. you eat 2 meals a day of veggies or fruit - although you like the fruit much better. we try to mix your veggies in the fruit so you at least get it. dr. Gobel said today that you can have whatever food you want, even table food! wow. maybe we will try that soon but i can't believe it because you seem too young.

you are sleeping well. i put you to bed at the same time as your older brother (7:30pm) and you sleep until about 3am when i get up to feed you and then you'll sleep until everyone wakes up around 6am. Some days you wake up at 5am and i have a hard time getting you back to sleep but that's ok because some of the nicest times are when everyone else is sleeping and we can get some quality time together. you wake up with a smile on your face every day.

you are such a happy, happy boy. you love to watch your brother play and i just know that you think he is so funny because you laugh and squeal when he comes around. you are really patient and will just watch everyone buzzing around your while you wait for your turn. you giggle and laugh all the time. you are sweet and love to cuddle - although when you want to see something you can wiggle right out of my arms.

i love you so much and i hope you stay as happy and healthy as you are right now.

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