Wednesday, July 14, 2010

today in Martin land

Cash went to timeout today. I know this because Sylvia told Chandler when he picked up the boys. however, if i hadn't talked to Chandler on my way home i would have thought that Cash was a perfect little boy today. Why? Because i was met at the door tonight by Cash. when i asked him how his day was he immediately overshared (dead giveaway). He said, "it was good and i was a really good boy." right there i knew something was up so i asked him a little more. finally he gave up the goods and told me that he had to go to timeout for hitting Gabby. Right now he is into being really descriptive - everything is followed with a "like this". he told me he hit gabby with a toy, "like this -bang, bang, bang". whoops. time out for you my love.

Also, i realized tonight that Cooper is just about totally weaned. He did it himself. Cash did the same thing at about 9 months so i'm not shocked just a little surprised it was so soon. We started him on a little formula during the days because i was running out of stored milk in the freezer - no big deal, i would just nurse him in the morning and at night. well i guess he got a little used to the immediate satisfaction of formula or the bottle or something because he totally wont nurse now and turns his head away from me when i go to feed him. ok, no big deal - its his choice. he's practically eating cheeseburgers now anyway so i feel ok. i have a few more frozen milks that i'll give him and then we'll just go to the formula for a couple months until he can have real cow's milk. since my guys had bottle from so young i think they wean pretty easily. just my theory.

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