Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Cooper is walking

Cooper is taking one or two steps at a time. He can stand up by himself without holding onto anything. i think he is well on his way to being a toddler!
He's so amazing. We are moving him to all milk and no formula. He doesn't seem to care as long as you feed him. I have also started to distance the association between his bottle and bedtime. i just give him his bottle earlier - like when we are getting ready for bed and then read a book and put him in his crib. its important to us that he doesn't need his bottle to go to bed. as you might expect, he didn't care. 
he's so darn cute. he loves his people so much and is getting to play more with his big brother. 
I have also noticed that Cooper is starting to mimic my talking. I said, "thank you" the other day when he handed me something and he made a sing-song that had the same sound. 


Grammy said...

oh no. that means he's really growing up. and will be cash's constant shadow for sure

sarah d v said...

I thought he'd be walking by his birthday, Christmas for sure. but you're in trouble now, 11 months, sheesh.