Thursday, November 25, 2010

Magical Forest

Cash is so into Christmas this year. He has been talking about it every day since Halloween. We read the Polar Express, he pretends to be Santa Claus in the bathtub with a bubble beard, the dog is now a reindeer, he wears holiday socks and pajamas and rides in a pretend sleigh (an old ride on toy) with a bag of gifts handing them out to Cooper, Daddy and I.
We've put together some activities for the Christmas season including the Magical Forest, Polar Express train ride, visiting Santa Claus, Grandma & Poppy's visit and finally going to see Grammy and Pop at their house.
Last night we started the process with a trip to the Magical Forest. Its the Opportunity Village property transformed into a winter wonderland complete with a train that rides around the property. it was so, so cold that we didn't stay long but Cash got in 4 train rides and walked through the forest and met an elf, sparky the fire dog, gave Santa a high five and ate some popcorn. Cooper and Daddy had to go wait in the car since it was almost freezing out and Cooper has had a snotty nose.
of course i had taken the card out of my camera earlier in the day and forgot to put it back on so i don't have anything to show for it...Chandler and Cash might go back next week for CCSchool District night when you get a free ticket.

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