Friday, August 26, 2011

moving on

Today is the last day with Ms. Sylvia. I can't believe we made this decision but we did and we are moving forward. Cash is so excited to go to a new school with new boys and girls. he wants to know everyone's name. I could probably even convince him to go to school on the weekends he's so excited about it. Cooper will obviously go with the flow and not miss a beat - as long as there is food and toys.
I seem to be the only one who is broken up about this. not because the boys aren't ready for more but because i handed my tiny little babies to some lady and she's loved them and cared for them like they were her own ever since. i've never once worried about how they are getting treated at her house. it was the easiest decision i've made since becoming a mother. Sylvia made everything easier for me. She was the 3rd parent in our family.
Sylvia told me this morning that this past year she attended the police academy of one little boy she took care of until he was 6 years old and another high school graduation of a girl who she used to keep over-night. She's been doing this forever and has seen a lot of little faces come and go and she's just fine and will be just fine. and we will be fine too.
i really hope i keep her in our lives. one way or another.


elizabeth said...

I cried horribly when we left gloria, and when preschool ended. I can't imagine what will happen when kindergarten starts on Tuesday.

Grammy said...

first of many changes in their young lives for you....and aunty beth. those women will forever be in your lives even if only in your thoughts. so happy you had good caregivers for our boys.