Monday, November 14, 2011

Cooper Poops

Cooper has become very aware of the goings on in his diaper. And he isn't amused. He hates to have pee in his diaper and gets the saddest look on his face when he realizes what's happening. Always just a little too late to get to the potty but we'll get there. Yesterday I had to change his pee diaper 6 times and every time he wanted me to sit him on the potty. Then later in the day he started saying poooop! So we went and sat on the potty but he'd get bored and would get up right away. I asked Cash to come in with us and entertain Cooper. And he did. Cash was dancing and singing and acting silly and tickling Cooper (which resulted in him actually tumbling off the potty) but eventually Cooper's eyes got really big and he made a poop come out. A real poop! We all did the potty dance and everyone got a candy for a job well done.

1 comment:

Grammy said...

great news. he's got the right idea