Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Time to reflect on the past month...
Cash is by far the most awesome baby in the entire world. He has really started to connect his actions with reactions. He reaches and grabs for things and can put them in his mouth. He kicks his feet and when the land on something - usually me - he notices how it feels. When he "talks" and gets a reaction out of Chandler and I, he talks more and louder.
My favorite part - really all his parts are my favorite - but one of the best parts about Cash is that he wakes up so happy. When we go to get him out of his crib he just looks up and gives us the biggest smile, almost to say, "you are exactly who i wanted to see". So many smiles out of this little dude - we can't wait until he pairs them with laughing.
He is definitely getting stronger too. He pushes himself all around his changing table and ends up at the opposite end of wherever you put him down. He refuses to put his head down - something he has done since the beginning but now it is constant. Whether he is laying in bed or sitting in his swing or you are holding him, he struggles to get his head up to see everything. He rolled over twice (says Chandler) but hasn't seemed to be able to replicate this effort. He sleeps through the night every now and again. It doesn't bother me that he wakes up at night, its actually kind of nice to just sit and watch him in the quiet.
Daycare is going well and he is charming the socks off everyone at Sylvia's. The little boys love to watch the baby and he is already better behaved than the little girl! He eats about 6oz every 3 hours - I'm working hard to keep up with that demand - and he gets to play on the mats with the other kids for a few hours.


Grammy said...

that certainly sounds like he's the perfect baby. you'll be happy you wrote it especially if you share with him when he's a teenager!

sarah d v said...

touching. you're a great mommy.