Wednesday, April 9, 2008

That's Pumpin' Hillarious!

Pumping at work is just cause for hillarity.
Everyone at WMC brings frozen lunches because getting in and out of the parking lot is such a hassle it takes 2 hours to go out for lunch - and we all know the HR Manager isn't going to stand for that!! So yesterday I was sterilizing my pump parts in a microwave steam bag and our very friendly man-ceptionist asked me what was for lunch - I guess he assumed that if i was putting something in the microwave it was probably a Lean Cuisine. I replied, "oh, just some steamed things." hee, hee, hee.
Also yesterday as I was leaving the office for the day a co-worker was passing me in the hall just as I was coming out of my office door. My pump was sitting on my desk in the big black case it comes in and the nice person looks into my office and kindly let me know that i had forgotten my purse. They went on to add that motherhood makes you forgetful.
Well I guess motherhood does make you forgetful because on Monday the tiny little ounce that i did manage to pump after having the stomach flu all weekend was left sitting on my desk after I got it out of the freezer to take it home. From the car I called my poor intern and asked her to put it back into the freezer for me. I bet that wasn't in her job description!
More to come from the land of boobs


Emily Dondero said...

i guess Cash isn't up to much these days...

elizabeth said...

i put a picture of a cow on my door to make it clear to not disturb when the door was shut. Of course, I still got walked in on once. I also answered the phone while pumping and the guy on the other end was like, what is that noise? a fan?