Friday, October 30, 2009

32 weeks

Yesterday i had a good doctor's appointment. I'm 32 weeks and moving right along. I spent about 20 minutes hooked up to the monitor because i casually mentioned to the nurse that i was having some contractions and a couple episodes where they became regular but nothing serious. Shoulda kept my mouth shut. But Chandler was with me so it wasn't too boring. We listened to Cooper bump around and felt sorry for all the other women in there who have to do that on a regular basis because it is sooo boring. His heartrate is all over the place (probably because he is moving so much) and on the high end of normal but nothing to be very normal - he's just an active baby. I measure well but still had to check the fibronectin (google it) - soft but nothing doing.
Still trying to get an H1N1 shot. The office didn't get the supply they were supposed to this week but the CDC promised that it will come to them next week - 100 doses. then the plan is for the office to call all of the pregnant women and it will be first come first serve. yikes! The hold up seems to be the fact that the injection seems to be harder to come by than the nasal spray and pregos can only have the injection.

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