Sunday, October 4, 2009

October early update

October is going to be a very busy month but I think we've got it all under control. I had to be in San Diego for work on Friday so Cash and I drove down on Thursday afternoon so we could hang out with Sarah, Rick and Bobby while they are there waiting for Rick's departure. we had a really great time, short and sweet but being pretty far pregnant with lower energy and with Cash testing more boundaries every day it was just enough time. We were supposed to fly but i got nervous the morning we were supposed to leave with everything i had to carry and rent the car, etc. I cancelled the flight and jumped in the car. The drive is actually really easy and Cash did very well on the way there. We listened to stories (3 little pigs, Hansel and Grettel) on the iPod, talked about the trucks and choo-choos we saw and counted the cars - before we knew it we were there.
Sarah was kind enough to watch Cash on Friday - all day - so i could take care of my work obligation. That went quickly and i was home at 4:30! Everyone was happy and Sarah didn't run screaming from the kids so I guess she doesn't scare too easy.
Saturday we went to breakfast, the aquarium and then Cash fell asleep in the car so we decided to just get on the road and get home before dark.
It is hard to care for a toddler by yourself. I realized that when Cash gets unrully I usually have Chandler remove him from the situation or we can take turns so no one gets too frustrated. Cash was having a semi-meltdown at the Aquarium (he was just really tired and ready for a nap) and i had to just deal with it. No big deal, we got it together but i am just very appreciative of my partner.
I never sleep in the same bed as Cash, except for in hotels. And there have really only been a handful of hotel trips in Cash's lifetime. He is the craziest sleeper. I'm not sure if he does this when he is in the crib at home or if it is just something he does in big beds or just in unfamiliar places, but he is all over the place. It never wakes him but he tosses and turns and sits up and lays down and flips around - all the while snuggled up so close to me he practically knocks me off the bed. It doesn't seem to bother him but I don't sleep well like this. Another good reason that he prefers to sleep in his own bed.
We were so glad to spend a little more time with Bobby - he is getting really cute and is a great baby - and Rick before he leaves for so long. I wish Chandler could have been there too because i know he enjoys hanging out with Rick.
Chandler started more professional development classes on Saturday and will take them for the next 6-8 saturdays. It all pays off in the end!
Thursday, Chandler and Cash go up to Oregon for the annual pumpkin patch trip. I will join them on Friday night after work and then we all come home on Sunday. I have Monday off and will probably take the rest of that week off so Chandler and I can take care of some very important things around the house before the baby comes. Mostly, setting up the new bedroom which we have decided will be Cash's new room. We were going to try to let Cash keep his room but it is just so much more work to move the rooms around and this way we can give Cash something really special to move into.

1 comment:

Grammy said...

i think Cash likes the chair rail in the room ... and i know Chandler likes installing them! having read your blog about sleeping in a bed, i hope he adapts.