Wednesday, March 30, 2011

always happy

somehow Cooper got sick. and i really would not have thought a thing of it except he was wheezing a bit during his sleep so the next day i took him to the doctor. he was laughing and playing with Cash while we waited for the doctor and he was so patient and relaxed while the doctor looked at him we were all surprised with the diagnosis. He has another ear infection and a croupy cough. the doctor said that she was totally surprised because he was so good tempered (a different doctor today). but we got something for the cough and something for the ear and were out of there no worse for wear.

1 comment:

sarah d v said...

We have the EXact same thing here. And now I'm kicking myself for not taking him to the doctor because the cough has gone from sometimes to often and though he's in bed, he's still hacking. So sad.