Thursday, March 17, 2011

Cooper is starting to put words together. mostly "hi Cash" or "bye daddy".
he is doing a lot of the things i remember Cash doing as a little boy like in the morning once i strap his shoes on him he makes a b-line for the door and says, "bye".
he climbs on anything. up on chairs, stools, into the car.
this morning he must have reached up onto the stove and tuned one of the knobs because we got home from work and the house was filled with gas - and smelled terrible. I got home and Chandler and the boys were just playing around. Chandler goes, "something stinks". Yeah, that's gas. Lets get out of here. we opened doors and windows, packed up dinner and spent the evening at the park. It was a nice excuse but it wasn't as warm tonight as it has been the rest of the week.
I fear we are going to have to give Cooper a haircut this weekend. he is getting awfully scraggly. and people are calling him a girl much too often. No one EVER called Cash a girl. Cooper gets called a "her", "she", "girl" at least once every couple of months. Just last weekend it happend twice. in one weekend! and he was dressed in obvious boy clothes. blues and more blue. he is beautiful though.

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