Thursday, March 17, 2011

full of it

Cash has been having some real problems lately but i think we are on the mend - so now i can talk about it.
For the past few months, longer than I would like to admit, he has been having very intense problems with his tummy. He just wouldn't poop. Cash had been a perfect potty user up until that point. I dont think he ever had an accident since he started wearing underpants. It started with a little constipation probably because he didn't have enough water one day or maybe he didn't want to stop what he was doing to go to the bathroom. However it happened he got constipated, it was hard to poop and it hurt. When it finally did come out it caused some small tears in his bottom which cause him a lot of pain with subsequent poops. So he just decided to stop. stop pooping altogether. he would squeeze his bottom together so hard that he wouldn't let the poop come out. this was causing everyone a lot of stress. Cash was upset and cranky a lot of the time. He was so full of it nothing made him happy. Mommy and Daddy were getting increasingly frustrated that he wouldn't just unclench his butt and go! so after a couple very serious days of unhappiness we went to see the doctor. He was going up to 7 days without anything so we had to get some professional help. Especially after an enema didn't work. Cash overpowered an enema! Dr. Goebel was great. She told us he had an impacted bowel and encopresis (you can google it but just know that we were changing underpants up to 4 times a day) and gave us some ways to help Cash through this. Almost immediately his attitude changed. i think just hearing Dr. Goebel say that it was ok made him feel better (i'm sure mommy freaking out didn't help him). So we started Cash on 2 Miralax treatments per day (this is a lot!) and after 2 days we had to give him an enema. WOW. I will just say this: he was seriously backed up. And now that the blockage has been moved and the softener is working he is going a lot. but unfortunately his bowel is a little "untrained" so he's having a lot of accidents. we need to figure out what the right amount of Miralax is for him and make sure we encourage him to use the potty. he'll start doing better. he's already doing better.

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