Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Cash the teacher

Even though they can fight a lot there are times when the boys are really sweet to each other. The other morning they were sitting together and Cash was asking Cooper to repeat after him. he would say, "Cooper, say dog." and Cooper would say "dog." They went on like this for probably 20 minutes until Cash got into some really hard phrases. I could tell Cooper liked the attention from Cash and Cash loved the immediate feedback from his brother.
I told Cash he was being such a good teacher and he informed me that he wasn't a teacher. He was just a little boy and teachers are big boys.

Speaking of them fighting and repeating words...Cash and Cooper will get into "NO" screaming matches that seem to go on forever. Cash was scream "NO" at Cooper for doing something Cash doesn't want him to do - probably taking a toy or something. And Cooper will hunker down, put his hands on his knees and say, "NO" right back. they will do this back and forth until Cooper starts laughing.

Cash is also starting to push or hit Cooper for no reason. Just walking by he'll push/shove him which i don't like at all and we're going to nip it in the bud quickly. i hope. the problem is that Cooper will copy Cash and hit/shove back and i'm not sure how to discipline Cooper yet.

1 comment:

Grammy said...

Cooper will defend himself one of these days ... Only a matter of time. Love hearing cash teaching Cooper good stuff...hope it's always like that.