Monday, May 30, 2011


Cash has been potty trained for almost a year now. and he's really never had an accident. i'm pretty amazed but not too surprised knowing Cash's personality. For someone who doesn't want to ever be dirty having an accident in your pants isn't really an option!

So yesterday we were over at Rylie's and they were having the best time ever. playing all day. with every toy in the house and then some great imaginary games. Late in the afternoon they were on the swing set in the back having a hysterical time. They got on the teeter totter and were laughing so hard and then all of a sudden Cash starts looking concerned but couldn't stop laughing. he grabbed his pants and said, "oh no! Peeeeeeeee."

I grabbed him off the teeter totter and pulled his pants off to pee. then he told me, "I was going so crazy I pee'd a little bit"

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