Tuesday, May 24, 2011

weekend update

we had a really nice weekend. and that makes all the difference to go to work/school on Monday. here's your blow by blow recap:

  • Friday, Sylvia was closed so i took the day off to spend with the boys. i must do this more often because it makes Cash so happy and i can tell a difference in him when he thinks that we are staying home to do something special together. I took the boys out to get a bagel for breakfast where we saw Jim and Mari Germain. Then, we met up with a friend of mine, Angie, and her two little boys Gavin (3) and Hunter (1) at the Springs Preserve. It was a really nice morning and only slightly warm. We played at the playground for a little while and then went and explored in the museum part of the preserve. We did some activities and then saw some cool lizards, scorpions, tortoises, a grey fox and bunnies. We stayed until lunch time and then came home to eat and nap. Everyone was so good and well behaved.

  • Saturday, we got up and loaded into the car to grab some doughnuts and took the boys out to Calico Basin to run around on the boardwalk. We are almost at the point where we can walk a train but not quite yet. the best part was chasing the lizards. Cash would crouch down and watch them for a while and then Cooper would stomp in and try to grab them. Very telling of their personalities. The boys got hot and tired so they waited in the picnic area while Slider and I ran up the trail to the top of the basin rim. it was so beautiful up there, next time i'll pack my camera. Saturday afternoon/evening I had Dana's baby shower (which was great) back out at a friend's house at, of all places, Calico Basin. So i spent the most beautiful part of the day sipping sangria up in the Red Rocks which Chandler and the boys were home - napping and not napping.

  • Sunday we celebrated Lindsey Loop's nuptials with a family breakfast. Since Chandler was such a good guy pitching in for a much longer than expected "mommy's afternoon out" on Saturday, i let him off the hook so he could get some things done. And The boys and i went to breakfast without daddy. We had a nice breakfast and once again, there was no fighting, screaming and everyone listened and did what i asked. Cash and Rylie played for a while after breakfast and then we went home to take naps. Once the boys woke up we took them out to Bonnie Springs to see the animals and ride the train. the really loved it. Cash is always cautious around the animals and likes the more docile ones but Cooper will just go right up to anything. at one point we turned around and Cooper had gone under the stanchion, right up to the bobcat cage and was sticking his finger through petting the bobcat. Chandler and i both jumped about a mile in the air. Cooper was the perfect height to get under the ropes so he got a lot more "petting" out of the petting zoo than the other kids. he even tried to climb into the pen with a reindeer.

  • Sunday night everyone slept really well!

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