Thursday, June 11, 2009

Hop on Pop

Pop got here last night. Cash was really shy at first and just sat in my lap observing Pop to make sure he doesn't get too close. Somehow Cash has become very shy in front of people he isn't used to - he usually gets over it after a few minutes. Pop went to take a shower and I guess Cash wasn't done "observing" because after Pop closed the bathroom door Cash would sneak over about as far as the stairs (just far enough to see around the corner) and peek to make sure he knew where Pop was at all times. After that Cash was ready to show off and ran all over the house getting the ball for Pop to throw or showing Pop how he can go down his slide ("dide"). He took Pop around the side of the house to show him the wheels on the bike ("bikkkk") and the wheelbarrow and the lawnmower. When it was time for a bath Cash started up the stairs - always keeping an eye on his visitor. We got ready for bed and went downstairs to say goodnight. As I was putting Cash to sleep we like to talk about our day and he kept pointing at the door as if to say, "Pop came to visit". This morning when he woke up the first thing he did was point to the door "Is Pop still here". He heard Pop and Daddy talking and got a big smile and his "excited face" on and after that it was really hard to get him dressed because he just wanted to get downstairs. Pop and Cash read from the LeapPad this morning and Cash ate his waffle sitting on the sofa next to Pop as Pop helped him put his shoes ("sooze") on.

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