Monday, June 8, 2009


We had our first real sleep battle last night. I should have known i was in for something because Cash was a crazy man all day. He woke up and immediately started the craziness. He was running down the hallways, rolling down the stairs, climing on things, chasing the dog, screaming, throwing things and having a blast in his own little world. He was hard to put down for a nap but i didn't really notice much because nap time is pretty fluid but usually between 10 am - noon. He didn't go down until 1:30 and even then he fell asleep in the car. He woke up at 4:30 and resumed his crazy-man ways. more running, screaming, climbing, chasing, kicking. We ate dinner as normal and then at about 7pm went for our bath. got out of the bath, put on pajamas and had a bottle and rocked in the chair. Cash would put his head down and then pop up and start laughing. He would also shove his fingers up my nose and slap my cheeks together. Everythign signaling that he wasn't ready for bed - but the rules are, we go to bed at 7:30pm. So I told him he could lay down with me or get in his own bed. He laid his head down and 1 minute later he popped up with the same giggle. Ok, now you get in your bed. I leave, he starts screaming. He can usually cry for about 2-3 minutes and fall alseep - but it is a really soft cry, more like a wimper. This was screaming. So i went to see him to make sure everythign was ok. He picked up his blanket, popped to his feet and stretched out for me to pick him up. So i did and we sat back in the chair. After about 20 minutes of him messing with me i let him get up and we sat on the couch for a while and then he got up and resumed his craziness from the day! at 9pm I needed to put him to bed so we went upstairs and tried again. He screamed again. I got him up because the screaming just wasn't normal. He wanted to go back downstairs but we turned all the lights off so that wasn't an option. He proceeded to run up and down the hallway with his blanket. Then he got into the clean laundry and wanted to put everything on - handing me his swimming shorts and sitting down on my lap and putting his foot in the air (signaling, put my pants on me please). So we did this for 10 minutes and then i was done and needed to go to bed myself. We went to his room, he was very upset but he got another warm bottle so that seemed to distract him long enough so that he fell asleep at 9:50pm. He was still asleep at 8am this morning and i had to get to work so he got woken up - something i hate to do.
Did I mention that Chandler was just coming off a 24 hour field trip and wasn't much help and spent most of the day on Sunday with his eyes closed!

1 comment:

elizabeth said...

well i hope this is a one time thing for you. vs. it's my life.

?excited dad is home
?knows something is up
?developmental changes