Saturday, June 27, 2009

Interesting tid-bits from the dentist

1. If you throw up, do not brush your teeth immediately. You should wash your mouth out with water repeatedly for about an hour and then brush your teeth. Otherwise you are just brushing acid over your teeth.

2. Pregnant women get "pregnancy gingivitis" and it can develop in a very short period of time. I have this.

3. Bottled water does not have flouride. People in Las Vegas rarely get enough flouride because they don't dare drink tap water and unless you buy special flourinated water you wont get it through your processed water.

4. Babies are not born with bacteria in their mouth. It is passed from the parents - usually by kissing, testing food, putting utensils in their mouth, or sucking off dummies. If parents never did this their child would never get tooth decay.

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