Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Cash can say "bless you" when you sneeze. He loves to read and will give up any toy for a chance to sit on your lap and read a book. His favorite books are alphabet books that show a bunch of different pictures representing a letter. He can go through the entire alphabet and point out his favorite things.


Ball, banana, boat, bike, baby (shhh) - he's really good a "b" words and knows almost all of them.

Car, car, car, car, car


Engine (vroom, vroom)


Gorilla (he tickles his armpits and says, hoo hoo hee hee)

Hat, hat, hat, hat


and the list goes on and on.

I think he calls his blanket "bath" - i need a few more nights to confirm this but at the end of the evening i ask him if he wants to go upstairs and he says "bath". We go upstairs and he runs directly to his bedroom door saying 'bath' and then i open to the door and he runs to his bed and grabs his blanket. we'll see.

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