Monday, July 6, 2009

Cash is an amazing swimmer

We spent a lot of time with wet hair this weekend. Which was good because it was about 105 or higher each day. Thursday night we went up to the park and played in the fountains. It took Cash a long time to warm up to the idea of the water shooting out of the ground but once he did he was laughing hysterically and getting all wet. We went up again on Friday morning but that wasn't as much fun because there were so many kids there and the local day cares drop van-loads of kids off with minimal supervision (i even got to do my first "mean mommy" thing and had to grab some kid by the arm and walk him over to the daycare lady and tell on him - he was splashing Cash and Chandler right in the face on purpose!). We also got to see some mermaids on Friday and had dinner out at a hotel. Cash really likes to dip his chips but discovered not all salsa is friendly and got into some hot stuff - that didn't go over well.
Saturday was Chandler's big race. He finished in 30 minutes and ran the whole way - he placed pretty high in his division (Clydesdale - hee hee). That morning Cash also woke up really early - 4:45am. I don't think he felt very well because he had a bit of a runny nose. We met Chandler and Reece for breakfast after their race and on the way home Cash fell asleep and took a pretty good nap. After his nap we all packed up and went to Aunt Marilyn's house to swim and bbq for the 4th of July. Cash had a really good time and was into everything - although Rylie did not like him touching "her stuff". He really liked to get in the pool and even pushed away from me to walk up and down the steps of the pool. We went home after dinner, Cash fell asleep in the car. An hour later Cash was awake and we all went out to watch fireworks in the car - we actually caught a really good show! Cash was awake until 10pm!!
That was good because he slept in until 8am the next morning. We did our usual Sunday stuff, waffles, played outside, Sams Club, etc. Cash took a nap and then after his nap we went to Marilyn's again to swim (Chandler stayed home this time). Cash went right to the pool and i held him by the tummy and he put his feet out and started kicking. He would also put his face in the water and can blow bubbles. He doesn't mind getting wet at all and liked to put his head under the waterfall. He's pretty fearless - which is scary too. We spent almost all afternoon in the water. He kept wanting to swim all around. He fell asleep in the car again and this time slept all through the night.

1 comment:

Grammy said...

sign him up for the Dondero family relay team!