Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Sylvia called last week and wants to begin potty training Cash. I think he is too young and this process will just be very long and drawn out if we do it this way. I was planning to start potty training him after 2 years when he was bigger and older and could do more himself. If we started now he would need a lot of assistance, pulling down pants, getting onto the seat, etc.
Sylvia has a very kind approach so i'm not concerned about that (especially after reading an article about a father who strangled/shook his daughter because she peed her pants). She just thinks that he is smart enough to get it. And he is. He does get it - sort of. He can tell you when his diaper is wet or dirty. Hearing him say the word "Poddy" is hillarious. And every time Chandler or I go into the bathroom he runs behind us shouting PODDY and then likes to hand you toilet paper and help you close the lid and flush. Although he is an "after the fact" guy and can't tell us he needs/wants to go poddy but instead knows what uncomfortable feels like with a wet or dirty diaper. If you ask him where his diaper is he can show you. If you ask him to pull down his pants (i always explain that mommy is the only one who should ask you to do this!) he can try to do this but ends up just tugging at his shirt mostly. So overall I would say he gets it but I don't think he is ready to try in earnest.
Another reason he is so "into" it is because he is at daycare with two older kids who have started using the potty and he sees that happening. I don't want to hold him back but i also want this process to be really smooth and painless and feel like if we waiting 6-8 months we could do it in a week as opposed to starting too early and it taking months and months. I'm going to talk to Sylvia about it but I always feel like i have to walk a very fine line when i disagree with her because after all, she is taking care of my love bug!

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