Sunday, July 12, 2009

Cash has conjunctivitis - yuck. poor baby. got him drops from Urgent Care this morning. He has to stay home for 2 days.

UPDATE: Cash is healed. We kept him home from school yesterday and mommy stayed with him at home. it was pretty fun. we just played and made a huge mess. He took a really long nap so i could get some work done. He did take my blackberry apart when i wasn't watching and i had to call my help desk to figure out how to get it back together - that was fun explaining. The whole time he was "sick" he was actually feeling ok. He played and was in good spirits mostly. Back at school today so now I have to find new excuses for Sylvia as to why I'm not agreeing to start potty training.


Grammy said...

poor little guy. how's he handling the drops? i'm sure it's a struggle. wish i was there to help.

elizabeth said...

i got rid of conjunctivitis in myself twice by using salt water drops. not pleasant, but saved me some money. just fyi. i hope cash's clears up soon.