Saturday, February 20, 2010

Big Day

Cash had a big day starting at 6am. he woke up and played while mommy actually got to sleep in a little with Cooper - thank you Chandler!!
We all got dressed and went to the Children's museum.
sidebar: I have never wanted to move so badly as i did when we pulled up to the Children's museum today (which is in a terrible part of town). There were homeless people camped out all over the parking lot and front entrance. Yucky. this town has no good places for children. There is really only this little rinky-dink "museum" in a neighborhood that you don't even want to go into. But we went and Cash had a wonderful time.
He played for hours. There were a lot of people there but not as many as i imagine there would be if it weren't such a nice day outside. On the way home he fell asleep in the car and then went for a short 1.5 hour nap when we got home.
Cash and I went on a bike ride around the neighborhood - we actually crossed the big street - but it got cold and windy by the end and I ended up carrying Cash and the bike home.
Later Addison came over for about 2 hours and they played. Mostly they played in the play room but they also did puzzles and colored. Addison used our potty and Cash jumped into action, running in to the kitchen and grabbing his stool for Addie to use. He politely knocked on the bathroom door (anyone who has been to our house knows that you better lock the bathroom door when Cash is around) and offered her his stool.
Addie went home and Cash fell asleep in about 10 minutes. Hopefully he will sleep soundly and a little later tomorrow morning.

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