Thursday, February 25, 2010

Cash is into saying "no" and "i no like ...". every night when we put him to bed we say good night to everyone in the family. it helps him to know that the night is over and its time for bed - it is litterally the last thing we do before we turn the light off. Tonight Chandler is putting him to bed and i hear him screaming at the top of his lungs, "i no say nigh-night to Wiley", "I no say nigh-nigh to Archer", and so on through the ranks.

Cash and I had a full blow conversation today. I don't know why i am surprised when this happens - i guess its just shocking that my baby, who only months ago was saying one or two words at a time, can have conversations. Today's went like this.
ME: "Cash, what did you do at Sylvia's today"
CR: "Played with Emma. Not Gabby. Gabby went to timeout."
ME: "Oh no, Gabby went to timeout?"
CR: "yeah, She was naughty."
ME: "what did she do?"
CR: "She was fightin' with Emma"
ME: "did Cash have to go to timeout?"
CR: "no, Cash was a good boy."

Cash is also getting better at watching TV. He's still not the Wiley type kid that can watch a hour straight but he can watch a 20 minute Elmo's world and stay pretty interested and only walk away a couple times.

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