Thursday, February 25, 2010

Yesterday i worked a full day - a full day of meetings that started promptly at 8am! To get two kids dressed, fed, packed and out the door by 7:15 we started early! At 5:30am I got up, pumped, got showered and dressed. Cash woke up at 6am so while Chandler and I were trying to get dressed he was messing around. Things spiraled out of control quickly when he didn't want to get dressed. I gave him pudding for breakfast because it was easier than fighting with him and it was something i could barter with in order to get him to get his clothes on. anyway, we did it. Everyone got out the door and I got to work on time. As much as i set things up to go the night before there was still a lot to do in the morning. i hope i get better at this for when i got back full time.


elizabeth said...

you will, that's what time i leave the house, too and most days I get up at 6.30am. i find that I can dress them in their clothes for the next day--more or less and granola bars or other things they can carry into the car for breakfast help. i do everything at night so there isn't much to do but get up and go. it's exhausting!

Emily Dondero said...

i have to get up, dressed, packed, and get my kids to daycare too. but i have to be at work at 7:00am and not a minute late. and i don't get to come home at 5:00pm and finish what didn't get done the night before.