Saturday, February 20, 2010

a tale of two bikes

Cash has two bikes. Lately (and probably for the rest of his life) he loves being outside. Sylvia tells me that he spends all day outside - even when everyone else comes inside he just stays out and plays. He has a great little radio flyer bike with mini training wheels. He loves this bike but it is definitely his backyard bike. I don't like him to have it out in the street because he can't maneuver it very well when a car comes. It also doesn't have breaks so when he gets going down the hill he usually gets out of control and falls over. So in order for him to be able to go out in the street and take his bike on our family walks we needed to get him something else. We picked up a little plastic tricycle with a place for a push bar (that instead of spending $25 on we used an old broom stick that works just fine!) Obviously a tricylce is lower to the ground so he doesn't tip over as much and getting out of the road is much easier when mom or dad "takes the wheel". the problem now is that Cash can't decide which bike he wants to ride and just spends all day going from the backyard on his bike to the front street with his tricycle. I am glad that he likes to spend so much time outside and enjoys being active. it really makes him sleep much better too.

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