Saturday, September 5, 2009


when Cash goes to bed he says "nigh-night" to everything he knows a word for. Chachi, Doggie, Daddy, Choo-Choo train, bike, ball, motorcycle, car, truck, big truck, colors, moon, chair, seat, shirt, shoes, and the list goes on and on.
His new favorite thing is to make mommy do things. "Go Mama" "sit Mama" "come Mama". Today he had me climbing all over a playground like I was 2 years old. He has a pretty strong grip and will grab your hand and drag you if you aren't cooperating.
He loves big kids too. Last night we were in the driveway drawing with the chalk and all the big kids were in the street playing. Cash just stood at the end of the driveway watching them kick the soccer ball around.
I think Cash is a really big dude - not oddly big just proportionately big. There are so many other kids I see and i think they are much younger than they are because i compare them to Cash's size. Most year olds look about 9 months to me. And Cash compares with most 2 year olds.
He's been sick and now i'm sick - that's the way it goes. I have to work on Monday so i'll miss daddy daycare, lets hope there isn't more playing with cleaning tools.

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