Tuesday, September 8, 2009

For the most part Cash is happy to do anything - anything he wants. Ride in the wagon, go for a walk, play, read books, sit on the coffee table, climb on things, steal cookies out of the pantry, flush the potty over and over, open the back door, chase the dog...
He really, really, really doesn't like a few things these days. He hates to put a diaper on or get dressed. If you can get his diaper on he is much easier to get dressed but getting the diaper on is just about enough to stop everything and potty train him NOW. He will kick and squirm and scream and cry and it is awful! He has gotten a few good kicks to my face and body - enough so that i just have to walk away and let him be naked. I don't know why he doesn't like to put his diaper on, once its on he is just fine and it doesn't bother him or anything he just hates to lay down and get it strapped on. Sometimes i can distract him with a book or a toy but mostly its a battle.
Also, he hates to get his teeth brushed. He turned a very scary shade of blue the other night because he was screaming so hard to not get his teeth brushed. i wish this was the kind of thing that i could just ignore or say, we'll do it tomorrow but i just don't want his teeth to rot out of his mouth - especially when he is eating more and more interesting things these days - and loving ice cream and frozen yogurt with cookie dough bites and lollipops. I've gotten him all sorts of fun toothbrushes with characters and cars on them but they all have the evil bristle end that mommy shoves in his mouth. He will cooperate for about 1 second - about as long as it takes to suck the bubble gum flavored toothpaste off the end. After that its all over. I tried going back to the finger brush but he bit me really hard and that was that.
Eating dinner also hasn't been very fun lately. Cash is a good eater but he has just preferred to play over sitting in his chair and eating dinner and now that he has learned to say "down please" it takes him about 60 seconds to figure out that he'd rather chase Chachi around the backyard than sit and eat dinner. So out comes the "down please" and i try to make him sit for "one more bite" but that doesn't happen.
For the most part he doesn't need much discipline - i'm sure that will change. The occassional slap or hit gets him a dirty look from Mom and that is usually enough. But i feel he is really testing his waters with these things.


Grammy said...

fun times! terrible two's are just around the corner it seems. new baby brother will add even more challenges to your lives. but you three will deal with it and survive. plus he's just such a cute kid so that helps.

Grammy said...

try an electric toothbrush that vibrates? worth a shot.

Carolyn Martin said...

already got 2 of them