Monday, April 26, 2010

the awesomeness that is the Chan-man

while we were gone Chandler spent a good part of his weekend alone installing (or having a plumber install) a water softener. this was something we had talked about for years but never done anything about. we would mention it when the dishes would have spots or when the shower door would get caked in scum but it wasn't until we started having serious skin issues with Cooper that we really started talking about it. Cash has really dry skin too but never rashes, just more of the purpley eczema type skin but the scary, hot rashes on Cooper really made us take some action. this wasn't a cheap or easy installation because our house didn't come "wired" for a soft water loop and the device itself is a hefty investment. we decided that we would take the majority of our tax refund and put it toward this. and I LOVE IT. only a couple days in and already the boys' skin is softer and lotions seem to soak in better. the dishes are spotless and the towels are fluffier. we are really onto something here.

thanks honey for putting this in motion!

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