Sunday, April 11, 2010

weekend review

Our weather has been so terrible lately - windy and not so warm - that when we got up into the high 70s on Friday we needed to get out. not that we weren't spending time outside, Cash drags us outside no matter what the weather. Friday I left work a little early and picked up the boys. We got home and changed our clothes and decided to go out to dinner. As soon as Chandler got home we packed up the boys and headed out to The District (an outdoor shopping and dining place in Henderson). We strolled up and down the central paseo, which Cash just loves because he can run wild, and then we ate a little greek restaurant.

After dinner we stopped into REI to see what goodies they had and to visit the bicycles. Cash got into the display tent and we talked for a while about how he can go see Grandma and Poppy and go camping soon. He laid down in the tent and didn't want to leave. He told me a tent was sort of like a boat - so we had to talk about that...He then made a big poop and we had to go get his diaper changed.

We then went across the street to the merry-go-round and Cash took 2 trips around, once on an Elephant and once on a Tiger. He was being such a good little boy even though it was well past his bedtime.

Since at the end of this week we are traveling to NC i knew i needed to get a few things done so we did the usual Saturday errands for most of the morning out and after lunch the boys both went down for a good long nap and Chandler went for a run. I can't really remember what I did during the quiet time but it probably had to do with laundry or bottle washing. 

Saturday night was an absolute nightmare. it has been so long since we've had sleep problems with Cash that they just throw us into a tailspin. Luckily Cooper was sleeping like a log the whole time. But basically Cash wanted no part of going to bed and was crying/screaming for a very long time and we had to go in to check on him. Eventually I invited him to come into mommy's bed and watch a movie - what a big mistake! he wanted to get up and go into the play room which wasn't an option so it made him cry even harder. i got him calmed down enough to lay in the bed and watch a movie (we started with Toy Story and then moved onto Ratatouille). He was bouncing around and after a very long time he calmed down. I think that's when i fell asleep and woke up an hour later with Cash in a weird half-sleep state sprawled across my bed. Chandler moved him into his own room where he whined for a little while and then fell asleep. He slept in a little bit but not much.

Sunday was nice because after we spent a good long morning running around the park, sliding on slides, climbing towers, see-sawing and playing horsey, Chandler and I traded off some "me" time. I went and had my toenails done and went to the grocery store and Chandler went to Best Buy and school. Cash got to paint and play baseball in the back yard and then we went for a bike ride around the block. 

Dinner was nothing special, just some salmon and bacon in whole wheat pasta, green beans and fruit. 

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