Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Cash is really excited to go to Grammy's house - although he seems to be very excited to see Sophie and Pop (and he probably wont see a whole lot of either of them - but he'll be too distracted to notice). I talked to him for a long time on Saturday afternoon as we had our lunch in the grass. we talked about how Daddy wasn't going because he had to stay home to take care of Slider and go to work. we talked about how we were going to go on an airplane and watch Elmo videos. we talked about taking Cooper with us and we talked about who we would see. I asked him, who is at Grammy's house. He answered with a huge "aaaarrrcherrrr!" and then listed wiley, sarah and bobby.
(side note: Cash has a bit of a thing for Archer right now and wants to watch his flikr videos a lot. he also points out pictures around the house and when you ask him who the picture is he will tell you its Archer - even if its not.)
Last night as i was reading Cash his stories he said, "we're going to Grammy's the car". so we have a little work to do getting him to understand we'll be flying - not driving. but maybe i can get away with it since we'll "drive" to the airport.
i'm not worried about flying with 2 of them but i'm terrified of Cash missing his daddy about a day into the trip and having nothing to do about it. i really, really hope that we can keep him busy enough to not worry about it but the boy is so attached to Chandler that it is a huge concern. we'll just have to call and skype a lot!

1 comment:

Grammy said...

we'll have lots of photos of his daddy around if that would help ... or just remind him he's not here?? could go either way.