Thursday, April 8, 2010

wild man

last night Cash was a total wild man and i don't think he fell asleep until close to 9pm. He was running up and down the hall screaming - "I'm gonna be tired". He also dropped something twice and said, "oh come on!" - sounds just like his daddy when he does that.
We were laying in bed talking and he told me that there were SOOO many animals at Sylvia's house - there were lions ("rawwwrrr"), doggies ("woof"), cats ("meowwww"), snakes ("I no like snakes, they crawl to me") and on and on.
He also was rubbing my arm and said, "I'm petting you mommy."
I wish i had the whole night recorded because he was absolutely adorable and talking a mile a minute.

Cooper continues to do well - although Sylvia said he's been a little fussy the past two days. He is probably just getting used to being at daycare where he doesn't sit in his mommy's arms all day.

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