Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Cash didn't make it overnight in his bed last night. Mainly because when Chandler was trying to get out of the bed/room he made a huge noise and woke him up. After that we couldn't get him back to sleep in the bed. Oh well. We are going to try some real sleep training this weekend since we have time off work.
Cash went to the dentist today. We talked about the dentist for a few days and what he did so Cash would be prepared. We practiced opening our mouth wide and smiling to show the dentist our teeth. Forget all that. The minute Cash walked inside and sat in the waiting room he said, "go outside" - needless to say he wasn't anxious to get into the exam room. We went in and Cash sat in my lap and got to see all the tools. He really liked to squirt the water and air, he played with the suction thing and the tooth brusher but when it came to looking in his mouth he clamped down hard! The only time he opened his mouth was when I tickled him or he cried. Dr. Davis really didn't want to force him so we were getting ready to leave and Cash opened his mouth for about 15 seconds - enough to see that he had no decay or cavities. Thank God!! I was so nervous. We will go back in 6 months and see if we can get a cleaning. For now we will just try to brush his teeth as often as he'll let me and go from there.
I also had a doctor's appointment today. Nothing much going on, except i've had some incredible pain in my hips and legs lately. Its called Pubic Symphasis Diastasis and its when the connective tissue in your pelvis relaxes and throws everything out of whack. It hurts bad. But i'm feeling better the past couple of days so i'm not going to complain. Everything else was normal. One more routine check next week then we are off to the races.

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