Monday, November 16, 2009

I love Cash - a weekend in review

I don't know if I’m getting more and more tired or Cash is getting faster and louder and smarter - probably a combination of the two - but this weekend just about took everything out of Chandler and I (more me though, I think). My head has been swimming for the last couple weeks with all the things I haven't done to prepare for a new baby in the house. I guess I just realized that this baby is coming and if I don't at least do a few things we're all going to be in big trouble. And, with a 2nd baby, of the same sex, you take a lot for granted (I have all the clothes, left over diapers, nursing bras and pads, etc.) and don't feel this amazing need to spend hundreds of dollars and hours at Babies R Us. So Chandler encouraged me to make a list which I found more challenging than anything because it was so hard to think about what needed to be done - but I did it and started crossing things off.
I cleaned out Cash's drawers, put away clothes that didn't fit him and moved current clothes into his new room. I pulled the newborn and 3 month clothes out of the boxes, washed and folded them and put them away in the baby room. Chandler moved the recliner around and I created a nursing station in our retreat - complete with lamp and books. I cleaned out my own underwear and sock drawer. We put the 2nd mattress on Cash's trundle (we're ready for sleepovers with Wiley!!) Cash got his flu shot (needs a 2nd one in 4 weeks - we aren't busy right!?) I did all the big people laundry. And lots of other things that i can't remember right now. The list is still pretty long but at least I have a plan.
We also took some time on Sunday and went to see the airplane demonstrations at Aviation Nation at Nellis Air Force Base. We didn't actually go onto the base with the other 150K people but Chandler found us a great little parking spot where we could sit on the back of the car and watch the airplanes zipping around in the sky without all the scary noise that I know would have worried Cash. He did love seeing the airplanes and kept pretty good track of them in the sky. At one point a plane came right overhead and tipped his wings at us - pretty cool stuff. I would have liked to go onto the base but it would have taken a good part of the day and we Martins are busy folk!
In order to check something else off the list - Cash needed a couple more shirts since we've been rotating the same 2 fire truck shirts and one elmo shirt for a while now - I took him down to Kohl's. We only stole one item and broke one item so I’m going to put that outing in the win column. I did lose him at one point so that wasn't too good - and it really freaked me out. Note to self: Cash can climb out of shopping carts now and he runs fast! I was checking some sizes and turn around to catch the last second of his escape and before I could get him picked up he took off through the racks. luckily I called out and he answered me so I could find him. but I did have a good 5 seconds of shear panic.
He is also in a no-bath phase again. For some reason he hates to get his private parts wet so he won’t sit down in the bathtub. We've tried everything. The closest we can get is to have him sit on the side of the tub with mommy or daddy. Oh well, that's the least of my problems. He'll get back in eventually.


Emily Dondero said...

did you put anything on the list after the fact, just so you could check it off and feel even more accomplished?

Grammy said...

whew that makes me tired just reading about it! sounds like you have things under control as best you can ... but don't fret Cooper won't care about a thing!