Friday, November 6, 2009


Cash is feeling so much better these days. He wakes up happy and that makes me so happy. Sylvia reports that he is also doing really well at daycare and squeels with joy when the girls chase him around the yard!
Much to my surprise, Cash knows the names of all the Sesame Street Monsters. I was so shocked but it was also really fun to quiz him and watch him get all the names right. We watch Sesame Street on the computer while we are winding down from the day and while i was loading it up the page showed all the monsters. Cash immediately said, Abby, Grover, Burt, Ernie, Bird, Cookie, Elmo, etc. when I pointed to them. I knew he had Elmo and Cookie down but the others were such a shock. And I'm amazed he knows the difference between Burt and Ernie - I still can't figure that out! I can only imagine what is inside his brain just waiting to come out.
He's also at the stage where he repeats everything - and i mean everything - you say so watch out!

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